Linkedin About/Profiles

We’ll Help Connect You To Opportunities

Why do you have to love Linkedin and be on this social media network?


1 m
Members in Singapore as at 2020
1 m
Organisations listed on site, 14m open jobs
1 %
Of recruiters use Linkedin
1 m
Received an interview through Linkedin
1 m
Hired by person they connect on Linkedin
1 %
Of employers check social media profiles before extending job offers

The reasons are pretty obvious. Linkedin creates economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce. The mission of LinkedIn is simple: connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful. 


  • positions yourself as a professional
  • builds network & connects to vast career opportunities
  • helps in career growth
  • gets you inspired through other members’ success stories
  • builds trust & credibility
  • presents as a more visual alternative to the traditional resume
  • creates a perfect environment for “passive job seekers” – people who aren’t currently looking for a new position, but would consider one if the right offer came along.

Our Master Resume Writers and Jobsearch Strategists at Successful Resumes Singapore can help you build an engaging LinkedIn profile (About) that attracts potential employers and networking opportunities.

Our team is made up of industry experts with wealth of experience within the complexities of the employment market.

Grow your Linkedin Reach and Impact today! Transform Your Linkedin Profile and Generate More Profitable, Long-Term Opportunities
Why wait? Start now!

Our LinkedIn Writing Service Includes:

Writing a highly compelling, reader-friendly and engaging profile that maximises your opportunities.

Customising and crafting your headlines with catchy, industry-relevant keywords that compel interest.

Tailoring your keywords and skills for your industry sector so recruiters and employers can find you.

Designing, personalising Linkedin Banner that Gets You Noticed, Connected, Hired

Providing advice and coaching on how to connect and build your network and optimise your profile

Words of Appreciation

Providing advice and coaching on how to connect and build your network and optimise your profile

Get in touch

Your next career opportunity starts here and now!

Contact us now for a no-obligation consultation and fee quote.



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